Derek Abrams
Pronouns | Age | Occupation | Orientation | Class |
He/him | 26 | Adventurer (Former Temple Knight) | Asexual Biromantic | Paladin |

Plenty of things stick out to you as you make a note of the Elezen man: For starters, despite claiming to be from Ishgard, his mannerisms and accent say otherwise. You find he's much more amiable and humble compared to your average Ishgardian Elezen. Upon further inspection, you may eventually come to figure out why. . .Mun's note: Mun's note: While I try not to be super lore-breaky and do have in-character explanations, Derek's background takes a bit of liberties as a warning; in case you prefer more explicitly lore-accurate RP!
Derek Abrams
Pronouns | Age | Occupation | Orientation | Class |
He/him | 26 | Adventurer (Former Temple Knight) | Asexual Biromantic | Paladin |
Basic Info
Bio and Personality
The eldest adopted brother of the Abrams twins, Derek is also the most level-headed of all his family. He was the first to enter the Source after Jason, thanks to a mysterious sorceress that was responsible for rifts that connected between the star as well as Derek's home planet: Earth.
Derek has never been one to get involved in missions on his own, opting instead to assist his brothers when needed and live a life as calm and quiet as he possibly could when he wasn't out in the field. Months after Jason went missing, he landed in the Coerthan Hinterlands, being saved by the Lord Commander Aymeric de Borel who offered to train him under the Temple Knights shortly after.
The two developed a small fling, eventually deciding to keep it casual and open instead as the Lord Commander's work kept him away from more domestic endeavors. Derek continued to live and work in Ishgard, doing what he could to quell the corruption that developed within the ranks of the Knights before eventually leaving the order for good.
Derek takes on the occasional odd job as of now, remaining in his apartment in Ishgard but free to roam the Source as he pleases. Though he may appear serious (and often is) he is much more laid back than what most would expect from him, having a more dry and sarcastic sense of humor compared to his brothers. He can be extremely patient and kind, and while he would rather avoid confrontation, he's not above sending either of the twins after any that has wronged him to do his dirty work.
- There's a surprising lack of blemishes or scars on the Elezen's face, in addition to any piercings or tattoos. The most there are are his ears, which are pierced.
-While his hair also appears straight, you notice it curls towards the tips at the back of his head.
-There's a large, prominent scar on his left shoulder near the neck, manifesting as a lighter bump on his skin, though it is still slightly faded.
-There are no notable scars or tattoos on his body, though there is a considerable amount of body hair on his torso, arms, and legs.
Voice Claim:
Travis Willingham as Reggie Rowe from inFAMOUS: Second Son
Derek Abrams
Pronouns | Age | Occupation | Orientation | Class |
He/him | 26 | Adventurer (Former Temple Knight) | Asexual Biromantic | Paladin |
General Hooks
The Holy See: Though it wasn't for long, Derek did spend a decent amount of time as a paladin for the Temple Knights. Perhaps you knew him as a Knight yourself, or ran into some trouble with him as he stuck his nose in something he shouldn't have.Curiosity Killed the Cat: You find his accent and mannerisms strange for an Elezen hailing from Ishgard. He's so polite! And not at all stuck up! Perhaps you find yourself wanting to talk to him more, or maybe you feel he should have a bit more pride and exclusivity for his homeland.Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold: Abrams? What a strange name for an Elezen of his stature. You may recall running into a Viera or an Au Ra with a similar name. Perhaps they took your belongings or gave you a run for your money in a brawl. You feel as though you should inquire more, or perhaps see if you can catch the Elezen off guard to have your revenge.
For romantic/sexual encounters: No Lalafell, any gender is fine. "Fade to Black" sex scenes OK (And is preferred in most cases). Both player and character must be 21+. Please message me before making connections relating to these hooks.Room for Two (Or More): With his relationship with the Lord Commander opened, this Elezen is absolutely open to be courted. He doesn't appear to be looking, but that might not stop you.Guilty By Association: You get a strange feeling from the Elezen as the stench of death assaults your nose for a split second. There's no doubt he's come into contact with voidsent before, but it appears to have little residue on his person. Either you feel a need to eliminate him- to find the source of the void-killings he may be associated with, or perhaps you feel inclined to inquire more about where he's being exposed to this sort of aetheric energy. . .
Derek Abrams
Pronouns | Age | Occupation | Orientation | Class |
He/him | 26 | Adventurer (Former Temple Knight) | Asexual Biromantic | Paladin |
Pictures and Art
Art (By me!)
Derek Abrams
Pronouns | Age | Occupation | Orientation | Class |
He/him | 26 | Adventurer (Former Temple Knight) | Asexual Biromantic | Paladin |
Boundaries and OOC
- I'm more than happy to roleplay with Derek having several romantic/quasi-platonic partners, however i will not be writing anything that has to do with unhealthy jealousy/obsessions within these relationships.- I prefer doing erp if it's for character development/expression. excessive erp and or/ not asking me ooc before engaging in erp will result in a termination of the rp session. I also prefer not to engage with anyone who lewds lalafell as well as participate in/consume noncon/pedophilia/incest.- I'm not also willing to engage with characters who have any fictional biases related to racism, especially in extreme, realistic depictions. i'm black ooc and would like an escape from dealing with themes like that, thanks.- I also feel uncomfortable writing with characters that may embody negative stereotypes of real races and backgrounds.
Nice to meet you! My name's Jason I'm a Black/South Asian creator with a background in the Caribbean that's been roleplaying on Final Fantasy for about two or three years now. I have several alts, my mains being Jason Abrams, Roman Adler, and Derek Abrams, as well as a handful of others I play intermittently. I also run content and do pretty much whatever the game offers! I post art and screenshots on my Twitter @RevenantBnnuy, and I'm pretty active on Discord as well! Feel free to shoot me a /tell if you'd like to connect!